Lacassane Lodge

      The Louisiana Lodge Native Seed Company partners with local and regulatory entities to create, restore, and enhance Louisiana coastal prairie communities through the propagation of native plant species. The LNSC began in 2006 as a division of our parent entity at the Lacassane Farm location as we began to investigate the possibility of preserving and restoring the coastal plain environment. The beginnings of this idea have become reality as we have successfully opened our new field office location, purchased seed harvesting equipment, recruited several consultants with experience in agriculture science and botany. We are now able to offer a full range of natural land management services in addition to the seed propagation efforts we are pursuing.

      The Louisiana Native Seed Company currently has available several Louisiana ecotype species which are found on the Coastal Prairie.  Species such as Little Bluestem, Brownseed Paspalum, Florida Paspalum, Eastern Gamagrass, Switchgrass, and Partridge Pea are in production. Species such as Eastern Gamagrass are scarce and often found in locations that are difficult to reach and harvest. These difficult to reach locations include along canal levees and in extremely wet areas.







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